Lukas ridgeston bel ami full gay movies

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Also later in 2002 reader of the same magazine chose Lucas to be “the hottest porn star of all time”īefore Bel Ami he appeared in two low-budget German hardcore movies for Gero-Schweiz under the name of Jan Van Huig: Boytropolis (later renamed Mantropolis Part B) – originally a 2-volume, 3-hour flick, an edited version was released by BIG Video in October 1997 as A Man’s World. The magazine said ” … there may be no more beautiful man alive.” In 2000 Lukas and Johan Paulik were inducted into the GayVN Hall of Fame. In 1999 he was in the top of “Unzipped” magazine’s list of best erotic-video performers of the millennium. He is university graduate, owns a “Mini Cooper” car and regularly attend meetings of “Mini Cooper” owners and once he won a car race at one of these meetings. Then Bel Ami changed the spelling to “Lukas” so as to give it a Central European flavor.

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After appearing in a photo shoot for Freshman, he began in the summer of 1993 in the first-ever Bel Ami movie, Tender Strangers, doing solos, showing that he’s a real voyeur.Īt first, when Bel Ami sent photo sets to magazines the editors of Freshmen chose the name “Lucas” (after a paperboy) and “Ridgeston” (so it sounded like some good Ivy League School) for him, as they wanted that readers would think the models lived next door and not far away in East Europe.

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